How can we

Dosen is a platform where people can book one-on-one video calls with, or call on-demand, expert mentors. People can connect directly with experts, ask their questions, and get the advice and learning that they need in a private and secure environment. Experts get paid for their time and consultation by charging a per-minute rate to mentees. These fees are displayed on the expert’s profile page and there are no additional subscription fees or hidden costs to either party.

Anybody with a sufficient level of experience can become an mentor on Dosen. If there is an audience who would like to learn from you then you should be on Dosen. It's especially popular with independent consultants, solopreneurs and freelancers whose personal capital is their knowledge. All mentors must be over the age of 18 and are vetted in advance of their profile being activated on Dosen.

You get any advice that you ask for. Before making a booking (or calling on-demand) an expert, you are asked to submit to the expert some detail about what you're interested in learning / being advised on. This becomes the basis for the call and you can take the conversation wherever you want from there.

Expert mentors are required to maintain a rating of more than 4.2 stars out of 5. If they fall below this threshold, they risk being removed from the platform upon immediate effect. Furthermore, any particular incidences that a mentee deems to be inappropriate will be reviewed. If an expert delivers a poor experience; is unprofessional; or rude, we reserve the right to fully refund the mentee, and consider their immediate removal from Dosen.

If the mentee thinks the call has violated our terms & conditions, and would like a refund, they can initiate a dispute within 24 hours of the call by emailing [email protected]. Note, if a call is not disputed, the recording is automatically deleted after 30 days, and will never be reviewed. If terms & conditions have been violated, or if the conclusion is that a refund is owed to the mentee, Dosen will refund call fees to the mentee.

Yes. All Dosen calls are automatically recorded. Dosen reserves the right to review such recordings in case of a disupte raised by any member of the call, or to ensure that proper service is being carried out by the mentor, or to gather content for marketing or other such uses. If Dosen intends to use call content for public sharing, we will first request permission from the relevant persons on that call.

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